
Our approach is iterative — we believe a product should deliver incremental value quickly so the market can decide where it fits.



Scrum is a development framework we use to put agile principles into practice. By breaking down the product vision into quickly executable sprints, we are able to continuously learn and adjust to constantly evolving requirements.

Design Thinking

Deeply understanding our users is core to how we solve problems. Our framework of empathizing, ideating and testing allows us to understand new ways of seeing, digesting, and solving problems so we aren’t clouded by old ways of thinking.

We help great companies build great products.



We extract key knowledge and requirements to ensure we’re bringing a product to market that either drives revenue growth, reduces costs or improves risk management.


We tailor every aspect of product experience, from color palettes to user interactions, to your unique audience profile so that the shoe not only fits, but looks amazing.


Our lean, cross disciplinary teams rapidly deploy iterative web and mobile solutions. In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning are at the core of our ideology.


We heavily test early product versions in order to refine features and experience based on user feedback before scaling designs to support user growth and market adoption.

about us

About Us

At Yekta Ertebat, “value” isn’t just a measure of worth, it’s a measure of character. Our values guide everything we do—from our office culture to our company-building approach.
We go out of our way to welcome people into our space. We strive for intellectual diversity, and we yearn for different opinions and perspectives. We believe good tension is the catalyst for discovery and creating big, important things.
Yekta Ertebat Taamoli Parto Nama is knowledge-based Iranian company to produce innovative and technological products based on the Startup Studio methods.

Current Projects

Our partners

Our Core Team

Behind our company, we’ve got a team—one made up of people with diverse experiences, passions, and expertise. Together, we’re working to turn passions into products, to turn concepts into companies, and to turn innovators into incredible co-founders.

Contact us

Address 1: Zavie Coworking Space, Azadi Innovation Factory, Shahid Lashkari HWY, Tehran, Iran.
Address 2: No. 26, Alley 1, North Valfajr St, Kerman, Iran.
Post Code: 7619633119
Phone: +983491091554
Mobile: +989021411554
